Business Visa Questionnaire
Free Eligibility Assessment for Business Skills Visa
Please copy and past this assessment, along with your answers, into an email to to Fastrack Visas so that we can assess your eligibility for one of the business migration visas.
Personal details
- Given Name:
- Surname:
- Date of Birth:
- Gender:
- Marital Status:
- Country of Citizenship
- Level of English: [very good, good, average, limited]
Contact details
- Address:
- Phone numbers:
- Email address:
Family Details
- Spouses name:
- Number of children:
- Childrens age range:
Business Information
If you own a business, the following information will be required for assessment of eligibility for Business Owner Subclass 160 and 163:
- Are you a business owner?
- Have you owned more than 10% of this business in the last 4 years?
- Is your name on the company ownership shares?
- Are you actively involved in the management of this business?
- Is the value of your share of the net business assets at least AU$250,000 for the last two years?
- What was the annual turnover of the business in the last 4 years?
Turn over in AU$ |
Year: |
Year: |
Year: |
Year: |
- What was the value of the total assets and net assets of the business for the last 4 years?
Total assets AU$ |
Net assets AU$ |
Year: |
Year: |
Year: |
Year: |
- What is the value of your personal net assets?
- More than AU$250,000
- More than AU$500,000
- Number of full time employees:
- Number of part time employees:
- Number of casual employees:
- Provide a brief description of your business:
If you are in the top levels of management, the following information will be required for assessment of eligibility for Senior Executive Subclass 161 and 164 Provisional Visas
- Age:
- Are you in the top 3 levels of management of a company for the last 2 full financial years?
- What is the turnover of this company for the last two yeas for the last 4 years?
Turn over in AU$ |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Year |
- Is this a government owned enterprise?
- Are you involved in strategic planning, policy or direction of a major part of the business?
If you want to invest capital in Australia, the following information will be required for Investor Linked subclass 162 and 165 Provisional
- Age:
- Do you have at least AU$1,500,000 invested or business assets of more that AU$2.5 million excluding your home?
- Can you provide evidence that this money is from your business or personal investments? [Yes / No]
- Can you provide evidence that you have actively managed this business or investment? [Yes / No]
- Can you place at least AU$1,500,000 in a fixed deposit for at least 4 years? [Yes / No]